Friday, March 23, 2012

Decisions, Decisions!

I'm the kind of person who has to have a plan. I need to know exactly what is going to happen within the next few months of my life, otherwise I start to feel anxiety about it it. So we've now reached the point where Brent will be done with his Bachelor's at BYU in less than 5 months and we don't have a plan for where we will be after that - hence, my reason for slightly panicking!

We know a few things - we know that in only 3 months we will have a new little baby in our home (something I've been able to plan for months now), and we know that Brent is applying to Grad programs in a few places that we could end up. We also know what we prefer, but whether or not we will get what we want most will actually happen is all up in the air.

He is applying to University of Maryland, Virginia Tech, University of Pittsburgh, and BYU. Maryland is his first choice, mainly because they have a great Civil Engineering program and we would only be an hour and a half from our families in PA. We want to be back on the East coast close to our families so badly! The thing is, it is super expensive to live just outside D.C., and the only way we would be able to afford it would be if Brent can find a great Structural Engineering position with an actual salary that will hopefully help pay for school. I know, super unlikely that we will actually get all of that. That's why we have a back up plan...

Honestly, BYU is our last choice. It's a great program and we do love BYU, we just really don't want to stay in Utah. However, it's the simplest of all the options. We already have a place to live that we do really like (especially the ward!), and Brent has a great job at LEI Engineering. They want him to stay through grad school so bad that they are buttering him up with gift cards and hints at getting a raise. Staying in Utah is the safe option. But we just don't know if it's really what we want or what is best for our family.

So, I'm left still without a plan for now. Hopefully once we finish up his applications and hear back from some places, he can start contacting engineering firms and networking for potential opportunities. We'll see!