Monday, December 31, 2012

Ringing in the New Year

I know it is so cliche to set a whole bunch of goals at the start of a new year and most people never follow through with New Years's resolutions, but Brent and I had a talk and both felt inspired to set a few goals for our family for the upcoming year. The year of 2012 was an incredible one for our family. We welcomed our first child into our family and have enjoyed discovering the many joys and challenges of parenthood. I had to say goodbye to some great co-workers and friends as I left my job at King Henry to stay home with my son. Brent completed his Bachelor's degree and we moved away from Utah, back to be with our families in Pennsylvania. After 6 months of sending out resumes and applying to every open structural engineer position in the DC area, Brent was finally offered a full-time position with Abel Consulting Engineers in Gaithersburg, MD. He also got accepted to Graduate school at the University of Maryland and will begin his Master's program in January. We moved our little family to Gaithersburg, and are now ready to find out what the year of 2013 has in store for us!

As Brent and I were discussing what kinds of things we wanted for our family in the coming year, we decided there are some specific areas we need to focus on as a family, and as individuals. Here is our list of McCrea Family goals for 2013:

1. Run more miles and work out more often than we did in 2012. We like to stay fit and always feel better when we are healthier. For Brent especially, physical activity is his escape from school and work and he needs that time to clear his head and be a better husband and father. This shouldn't be too hard of a goal for me to reach, considering I spent the majority of last year pregnant or recovering from child birth. And we live at an apartment complex now that has a free gym ( yay!)
2. Put a greater emphasis on couple and personal scripture study. We have never been good about this. From our very first night together as a married couple, we have read scriptures together, but we have always had periods where we get completely off track. No more of that! And personal scripture study - well, we're pretty much terrible when it comes to that. The only time in my life I have ever really had a consistent, intent personal study schedule was when I was in seminary in high school. It's time to get back to that. My problem has always been finding a consistent time to just sit down and focus other than right before bed when I just want to go to sleep. Well, thanks to Talan I now have a very consistent daily routine that I can easily fit that into. My plan is to do my personal scripture study when Talan is taking his morning nap. Simple as that!
3. Take the time to journal and document our life experiences. Surprisingly, this is the one Brent felt we needed to focus on. Ever since we got married 3 years ago, it feels like time is flying by so fast. Before we know it, all our kids will be grown and we'll be empty nesters left with only fading memories. We want to make sure we remember the experiences we have as a family, big or small. We need to take more pictures and write down the little things that happen each and every day. Some day our posterity will really appreciate that we've taken the time to do so.

This is what we've got so far, and I'm sure we will likely think of things later that we want to add to it. If there's only one thing we have learned in our years together so far, it's that putting trust in Heavenly Father and obeying his commandments can only lead to greater happiness and increased blessings. Happy New Year everyone!

Team McCrea All the Way!