Monday, May 21, 2012

One Month to Go!

I seriously cannot believe that I am only a month away from my due date!  In some ways, it seems like I've been pregnant forever, yet the weeks have just been flying by ever since I hit the half way point.  I still feel like there is so much I need to get done and things that need to be bought in order for me to feel prepared for little Talan's arrival.  But I know that even if I have everything I need, I probably won't feel prepared for what is about to happen. 

*Just a side note - I don't mean to complain about anything, this post is more for me to be able to remember my whole experience, the good and the bad.

Honestly, this pregnancy has been really easy for me - at least up until these last few weeks.  I never had any nausea in the beginning and the only real symptoms I experienced up until week 34 were feeling tired and hungry alllll the time.  And since sleeping and eating are two of my favorite things, I didn't really mind.  Now that I've put on about 30+ extra pounds, I'm really starting to feel the aches and pains of being pregnant.  About a week ago I started having a really sharp pain in my left hip everytime I would walk.  The pain gradually progressed to spread across my whole lower abdomen and hips and it is now excruciatingly painful to walk or move in any way.  As long as I am just sitting or even standing still, there's no pain.  But the pain while walking has turned me into a "waddling" pregnant woman - I admit, I'm slightly ashamed.

My other really annoying symptom has been extreme swelling of my calves, ankles, and feet.  They seriously look like they belong to someone who weighs at least 250 pounds, so for me, someone who has never weighed more than 130 pounds, it really freaks me out and is actually quite uncomfortable since my skin is being stretched to its limit.  I've tried drinking tons of water and propping up my feet, and it helps a tiny bit, but they are still soooo swollen.  I'm really looking forward to having my body back in a few weeks!

Other than that, Talan is just kicking away as he gets more and more cramped in there.  My doctor told me at my appointment last week that if I were to go into labor at this point, they wouldn't try to stop it! His daddy and I can't wait to have him here!
This was at 34 weeks, so almost 2 weeks ago.